Tuesday, January 26, 2010

11 Books I Wanna Read (And Other Adventures in late night Wal-Mart shopping)

In an effort to "spice up" my handmade greeting cards, I convinced my hubby that I absolutely MUST make an emergency trip to Wal-Mart, of all places, for, of all things - CRAFTS - ribbons, in particular. As you can see from the photo, I bought a little more than ribbons (but...I digress...).

Why Wal-Mart (you may ask in disbelief and/or craftionista {<--saw that kool word on a craft blog somewhere...can't take credit for it myself...wish I could, though...} disgust)?!

Because of their low, low prices (and mainly because I'm a busy Mom who couldn't make it to the more expensive {see--> overly tempting} craft stores in my area before their 9:00 p.m. closing time (a.k.a. Michael's, Pat Catan's, JoAnn's)...any of those havens of all things crafty that end in 's. Plus, this Wal-Mart in particular is open 24 hours! What a great selling point in and of itself. Need ribbon at 10:00 at night? 24-hours Wal-Mart. Absolutely MUST HAVE cute, little flowery embellishments to put on cute, little crafty boxes, bags and cards made by the Ultimate Crafter's Companion (coming to your local {see-->ECSTATIC} crafty Mom in a FedEx truck near YOU! ~ Thank you, Mandy...you know who you are!)? 24-hours Wal-Mart. Want those glittery, gel pens that make adorable designs on your papercrafts? 24-hours Wal-Mart. 'Nuf said.

While perusing Wal-Mart for crafty stuff, I just happened to stumble upon the BOOK department (Oops...how'd I end up here...I guess I MUST look since I just ended up here...*wink, wink*). Yeah...right! Anyone who knows me knows that I am a sucker for a good book, especially if it's a self-help book! (Yes, I'm a self-help book junkie...admitting you have a problem is the first step...lol.)

Anyway, I digress...

Instead of purchasing a ton of self-help books on my Wal-Mart craft-purchasing trip, I thought of a novel idea - write down all of the titles on the shelf that I would like to read, instead. This way I could either a) get the books out of the library {yay for *free*} or b) put them on my not-so-secret wishlist {hello BLOG!}

So here goes everything:

11 {Mostly} Self-Help Books I Wanna Read (Thank you, Wal-Mart...you know who YOU are!)

  1. Living Oprah: My One-Year Experiment to Walk the Walk of the Queen of Talk by Robyn Okrant
  2. You Were Born for This: 7 Keys to a Life of Predictable Miracles by Bruce Wilkinson
  3. Women & Money: Owning the Power to Control Your Destiny by Suze Orman
  4. It's Your Time by Joel Osteen
  5. The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger (I want to see the movie, too, but not before I read the book.)
  6. The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch, Jeffrey Zaslow
  7. Dream Big: O's Guide to Discovering Your Best Life by the Editors of The Oprah Magazine
  8. Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert
  9. ...and her follow-up memoir...Committed: A Skeptic Makes Peace with Marriage 
  10. The Spark: The 28-Day Breakthrough Plan for Losing Weight, Getting Fit & Transforming Your Life by Chris "SparkGuy" Downie (CEO of Sparkpeople.com)
  11. Become A Better You: 7 Keys to Improving Your Life Every Day by Joel Osteen
Have you read any of these books? If so, please give the "down-low" by responding to this post in the comments section.

What's on your book list?

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