Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year 2012!

Happy New Year, everyone!

I know I have not been blogging very much lately and apologize to those of you who may have been waiting for a post (any posts?) from me. I feel like my voice has been taken from me. Does that make any sense? Like my muse, wherever it was, departed never to be seen, again... Please, anyone else who blogs or writes, tell me that this is not a permanent condition! I've even considered whether this blogging thing was still "for me". What relevance does it serve? Is it only self-serving blather? Does anyone even care? But, I come back here, anyway, because it seems a bit therapeutic. :)

2011 was a crazy year. I'm not sure I can say I'm sad to see it go.

However, I am quite excited about the coming year and the possibilities it holds (and I'm not talking about the Mayan prophecy for 12/21/12, ;)

Already, I took steps today to work on some personal goals. I took a walk around my neighborhood to work off some of those New Year's Eve calories (can you say "kielbasa & sauerkraut?!"). Ironically, I ran into one of my elderly neighbors who gave me two cookies to take home to the boys ("They're so cute!"). Yes...the cookies DID make it home to the boys (luckily she lives BTW...I apologize if you are one of those people who dislike people who laugh at their own jokes by using LOL all the time. If that's you, you are not going to enjoy my posts very much (lol). ;)

Another one of my personal goals is to get more organized in all areas of my life. So, I took a "baby step" (Thank you to Dave Ramsey for that terminology) in that direction today by cleaning my back yard (a.k.a. the toy graveyard). I'm sure my neighbor, Megan, will appreciate that one. ;) Actually, I have to admit that I jumped the gun on the baby steps for this particular goal before we hit the New Year. So far, since I've been home with the boys, I've gotten most of the laundry caught up, kept the main living areas relatively clean (which is saying A LOT with a 4-soon-to-be-5-year-old-in-March and a 3-year-old boys running around the house!), and even make my bed on most days (lol). Making a bed...what a concept! So retro...I even (get this) made the BOYS' bed the other day. Of course, it was UNMADE within a matter of hours (a new record), but it's the effort that counts!

What "baby steps" have you made today towards your goals/resolutions for 2012?

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